One Punch Man is a Japanese superhero franchise that was created by artist One. It is quite a popular Manga series that surpasses 7.9 million heads in June 2012. It revolves around a superhero who can defeat any opponent with a single punch but he seeks to find a worthy opponent after getting bored by lack of challenges. Due to his overwhelming strength in the world. It was a webcomic version that was released in early 2009 but it quickly gained popularity.
The series was published on Shueisha’s Tonari no Young Jump website back in 2012. This Manga is illustrated by Yusuke Murata. And its chapters are periodically collected and printed into various volumes. As of December 2019, 21 volumes have been successfully released, and amongst those 20 are published in English. Viz Media has taken the responsibility to remake the English serialisation for the digital magazine. Its English remake was nominated for Eisner award in 2015 and Harvey award in 2016.
The Anime adaptation of the series was created by madhouse and it was aired in Japan between the months of October and December 2015. The series was later dubbed in English in 2016 and that was the time when a second season was announced. However, it was announced that the production company and the director had changed which led to the delay of the second season’s release. The second season was animated by J.C. Staff, with Chikara Sakurai as its director. Due to all these changes, the second season finally aired between April and July 2019.
The story is pretty straight forward and interesting. On a supercontinent Earth, powerful villains and monsters take over every possible asset and drop havoc around. In response to that, the millionaire Agoni creates the hero association which employs superheroes to bring the fight against evil. Here comes Saitama, a hero who hails from City Z and performs heroic deeds for his own motives. He trained himself to the point of being able to defeat any enemy with just a single punch. Since there is no one to defeat him, he later overwhelmed himself with boredom.
Somehow he eventually becomes a reluctant mentor to a cyborg Genos, who is seeking revenge against another cyborg who killed his family and destroyed his village. Later on, both of them join The Hero Association but due to low score in written entry exam, Saitama was played at low entry rank. Even though his powers were unmatched in the society, he remained a notice and unappreciated by the public.
I think that’s enough of me telling you the story if I move any further it would be unfair. If you want to know more then you got to watch this Manga because trust me, if you haven’t seen it yet, you are missing out a lot.
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More than Just a Manga
Last year itself, One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows was announced for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. The game was released in Japan on February 27th 2020 while the worldwide release happened in February 28th 2020. On August 21st 2019, the abnormal game was also launched for iOS and Android titled One Punch Man: Road to Hero. Checkout the Fast And Furious 9 Movie Review.
Not only games, but there is a rumour that Sony’s Columbia Pictures is planning a live-action film adaptation on April 21st 2020. We found out that screenwriters of Jumanji and Venom were signed on as writers, while Avi Arad will produce the movie.
One punch man season 3 is also expected to come back for its fans. Season 2, was ended in July 2019 with 12 episodes and left with the promise to return with its third part. You can expect characters like Saitama, Blast, Genos, Tornado, Zombieman, Bang, and Kamikaze.
Though there hasn’t been any storyline reveal, we do have some insight which we’d like to share. In the last episode of season 2 we saw Fang and Bomb defeating Garou. And it was revealed why Garou hates superheroes as he believed that they become heroes just to bully the weak. In that rage, Garou almost killed the Phoenix Man. In the credits, we came across the scene where Phoenix took him to Orochi.
As far as we know, the 3rd season will focus on Garou, and there are chances that he may become an actual monster. But that’s only an assumption, we just have to wait for the next season which is expected to Air on next year.
A rumour is floating around that one of the most amazing Mangas ever is making its way back. One Punch Man is expected to take over the world anytime soon. If you’d like to know more, then do make sure to read this article.