7 Reasons Your Click-Through Rate is Low and How to Fix It

7 Reasons Your Click-Through Rate is Low and How to Fix It

Did you know that the average click-through rate (CTR) is 2% using Google ads? And even though it varies depending on your industry, there are common ways to boost your CTR.

If your CTR and, consequently, your targeted sales are suffering then do not get frustrated; get it fixed.

Read on for 6 reasons your CTR is low and how to make it right. 

1. Your Targeting is Wrong

First of all, your online marketing target strategy may be off. This could mean several things, from marketing toward the wrong audience to showing ads at the wrong point in the customer’s shopping experience. You might also be using the wrong language for your specific demographic.

Reevaluating who your customer is will help solve this issue. 

2. Ads are Irrelevant

Not only could your audience be wrong, but your ad could also miss the mark. Your ad copy needs to describe a problem and offer a solution to your customer, otherwise, it becomes irrelevant. 

Revisit your wording to make it short and simple while offering something to the viewer. 

3. Prices are Too High

If you are evaluating your business stats regarding your sales and you find that you have impressions but no clicks or purchases then the problem might be your prices. Try lowering your prices or offering sale items to increase your CTR.

4. Missing a Call to Action

Digital marketing must involve action steps to entice people to click on your ad. It may sound redundant but your audience wants to be told how to proceed. They want a button to click on and be told what they will view when they click on it. 

5. Missing SEO Strategies

When it comes to online traffic and increasing your SERP (search engine results page) ranking, it is all about SEO (search engine optimization.) Be sure to use keywords in your ad’s description as well as your URL to move closer to the top of a search page. This will improve your impressions and make your ad more relevant for clicks. 

6. Inconsistent Marketing

If you know what is a click through rate then you know it is more than just getting your ads seen or clicked on. It is about getting them to your website and staying there. So, when your ad does not match your overall marketing strategy then it confuses the customer. 

For example, your landing page may not mention the deal from the original ad. This leaves a bad impression and leads to poor sales. Therefore, be sure your marketing stays consistent with the purpose of your business website. 

7. Poor Add Location

A simple yet important solution to CTR is the location choice of your ad. It may be too far down the page or hidden in copy. Experiment with several ad placement locations even on search result pages to see where your customer’s eyes tend to land. 

Start with Your Click-through Rate to Increase Business

If you want to build up your business then it is all about advertising. But, in digital advertising, your click-through rate determines your success. Therefore, start improving your CTR to see more people visiting your website and watch your sales rise. 

Check out our business section for more marketing tips.