Guidelines for patients with high cholesterol and diabetes

cholesterol and diabetes

Individuals diagnosed with Hyperglycemia realize the importance of maintaining blood sugar levels. With low blood sugar and cholesterol levels, the risk of developing heart and cardiovascular disease is low. The best Endocrinologist in Nagpur States that people with diabetes are more likely to have high cholesterol levels.

 Like how you keep an eye on your blood sugar level, keep your cholesterol label within standard limits, read on to know how high blood sugar levels affect cholesterol. How can you manage both with the Lifestyle approach? 

Does a high blood sugar level imply a high cholesterol level?

If you have high cholesterol and blood sugar levels, you are not alone in the struggle. AHA (American health Association) states that sugar affects your HDL or good cholesterol. It likewise raises both bad LDL and Triglycerides. 

Both increase the risk factor of heart disease and the possibility of stroke. 

The following are the standard counts of HDL and LDL. 

  • According to, HDL within 100 MG per decilitre is ideal.
  • Standard limits of 100 to 129 mg per DL are ideal.
  • 130 to 159 mg per decilitre is considered elevated. 

High cholesterol can be detrimental to health. Cholesterol is a form of fat that develops inside the heart arteries. It hardens with time and gets stiff. The Dr. Vina Bang states that cholesterol causes harm to the arteries and makes them narrow and stiff. 

Since the heart has to work harder to pump blood, it increases heart attack and stroke. 

Researchers need to find a valid equation between cholesterol and high blood sugar. The journal of lipid excavation found that cholesterol, blood sugar, and insulin react with each other. They affect either directly or indirectly. They are yet to find an explanation of the correlation between the two. 

Your main goal is to minimize the chances of heart disease and stroke. To keep your blood sugar level within control, follow a couple of instructions.

Keeping track of cholesterol level 

  Now that you know that it’s important to monitor your blood sugar level, monitoring your cholesterol levels is equally important. Keep track of high blood pressure levels and triglycerides. Normal blood pressure lies in the range of 80 to 120 mg per decilitre. states that the blood pressure of patients with diabetes lies in the range of 50 to 130 MG per decilitre.  

Take a walk after a meal. 

As a diabetes patient, you already know that exercise is key to keeping your blood sugar levels under control.

Exercise is key for regulating raised cholesterol. It can help with growing degrees of HDL cholesterol, which are cautious against coronary ailment. Here and there, it can similarly decrease levels of LDL cholesterol. The best exercise you can never truly control glucose levels is to take a walk ensuing to eat dinner. Walking is helpful for raised cholesterol, too. In a new report in Arteriosclerosis, Circulatory trouble, and Vascular Science, experts uncovered that walking lessened raised cholesterol by 7%, however showing diminished it to 4.3 percent.